Bremo Pharmacy

Created web designs to reintroduce a pharmacy’s weight loss clinic to its audience.


Taking Bremo Pharmacy’s weight loss clinic and updating its strategy to better appeal to its target audience.

My Role

Researcher and UX Designer

My Team

Josh Lajoie, Strategist

Riley Lachance, Copywriter

Graham Bartal, Art Director

Niani Patterson, Art Director

My Research Tools

Contextual Inquiry & Observation + Expert Interviewing


Project Deliverables

UX/UI for Bremo’s Nutrition Studio Designs as part of a provocative campaign

See the full project breakdown below. ⬇️

The Problem

Users only come to Bremo weight loss clinic reactively, not proactively (i.e. they only show up when the doctor tells them to lose weight).

The Solution

Turning Bremo Pharmacy’s weight loss clinic into Bremo’s Nutrition Studio

The Context

As a health risk, obesity rates among young adults has increased in recent years.

My Design Tools


Why Young Adults Are Missing Out on Bremo’s Services

Bremo’s weight loss clinic was its own distinct line of business that Bremo also controls alongside its regular pharmacy, but the user experience on the website did not prove that - obscuring Bremo’s weight loss clinic page and its Ideal Protein brand (where Bremo keeps its weight loss dietary products and supplements) under other categories.

Strategic Setup by Joshua LaJoie

The Ask

How might we make Bremo appeal to a younger audience who would see the benefit in Bremo’s services?

Research Findings

Our research objective was to understand the nature of Bremo’s weight loss clinic and how to best attract its key users.


Bremo’s weight loss clinic does not only attract users who are older.

  • Bremo’s Weight Loss Clinic has been an active participant in its patients since 2019, offering personalized nutrition guidance and support, as well as check-ins for users based on specialized weight loss plans for each user that can be changed based on progress.

  • The Weight Loss Clinic’s head, Christie, has seen an increase in younger clientele coming to the clinic for assistance.

  • Source:

    • In-person Expert Interview conducted on 11/03/23, Bremo’s Healthy Living Day


Despite the benefits of Bremo’s Weight Loss Clinic, many users only come to Bremo when they have to lose weight.

  • Christie has observed that users of the WLC typically only come in after being prompted to by their doctor.

  • Source:

    • In-person Expert Interview conducted on 11/03/23, Bremo’s Healthy Living Day


Weight loss/management is becoming a holistic experience for most people, especially younger adults.

  • 82% of adults were focused on weight management in 2022, with the largest share - 42%, being focused on weight loss specifically.

  • “Young adults (age 18-24) tend to be the less numbers driven when it comes to their weight loss goals.”

  • Source:

    • Mintel (Weight Management Trends - US - 2022)

Important User Experience Considerations

The research collected revealed questions related to user experience for us to answer.

  1. How can we create a web experience that better centers Bremo’s weight loss clinic?

  2. How can we include space for Bremo’s relationship with Ideal Protein?

  3. How can we better position Bremo as a space that it both clinical and holistic at the same time?


How can we rebrand Bremo’s Weight Loss Clinic and better position it under the Bremo Pharmacy label?

Our Solution

Bremo’s Nutrition Studio, our rebrand of Bremo’s weight loss clinic which positions it as a genuine health outlet for younger adult users who need it and can exist as an extension of Bremo Pharmacy’s existing brand.

Designed by Graham Bartal


Ideal Protein Page


UI/Wireframes for Bremo’s Nutrition Studio Web Design

Designed the UX/UI for Bremo’s Nutrition Studio, bringing more focus on the Be A Loser campaign.

Ideal Protein Menu

Why This Works

This campaign was successful in terms of applying the insights collected at Bremo Pharmacy’s physical location to the solution we created. This was one of the first times that I got to fulfill the role of a UX Researcher for a project.

Project Reflection

I'm pleased with the quality of primary research that went into this project. Out of all the teams put on this assignment for this live client project, I was the only student who went to the physical location to conduct primary research.

Bremo Pharmacy was very pleased with our suggestions, and have subsequently changed the name of their weight loss clinic to Bremo’s Nutrition studio - per our recommendations.


YETI: Stakeholder Interviewing, Digital Ethnography, Cultural Research


Studio Ghibli: End User Interviewing, Web Design & Research Plan Design